Sr.No. |
Title of paper |
Name of the author |
Department of the teacher |
Name of journal |
Year of publication |
Academic Year |
ISBN/ISSN number |
1 | Leverage-An Analysis and its Impact on Profitability with Reference to Selected Private Sector Fertilizer Companies in India | Dr. Kishorsinh N. Chavda | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
2 | Awareness towards Crop Insurance- A study of farmers of Gandevi Taluko, Gujarat. | Dr. Kishorsinh N. Chavda | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
3 | Financial Analysis of Companies Listed NSE IT Index from Indian Stock Market | Dr. Kishorsinh N. Chavda | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
4 | Changing Accounting Education in India Through Moocs | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
5 | The Sitilink BRTS Surat : An Effective Mode of Public Transport | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
6 | A study on Awareness and Adoption of Digital Wallet in Surat City | Dr. Balanvant N. Dhimmar | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
7 | Working Capital Management : An Analysis of Selected Cement Companies in India | Dr. Balanvant N. Dhimmar | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
8 | A study of Gender Ratio and Literacy Rate in India: Trend and Immerging Issues | Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
9 | Leverage-An Analysis and its Impact on Profitability with Reference to Selected Private Sector Fertilizer Companies in India | Dr. Mehul B. Shah | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
10 | A Comparative Study of Customer Perception about Life Insurance Company with Special Reference to LIC and ICICI Prudential Life Co. Ltd. | Dr. Chirag K. Sidhpuria | Commerce | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
11 | Perception Of College Students On The Influence Of E-Learning – A Study On Surat City | Dr. Mayank V. Sodha | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
12 | An analysis of Equity Share Price Behaviour of Yes Bank | Dr. Kruti A. Patel | Commerce | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June-2020 | 2019-20 | 2455-4642 |
13 | A Study on comparative analysis of e-commerce purchasing behavior of youth customers between clothing and food product with special reference to surat city | Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | July-Dec 2020 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
14 | Selection of random sample from merge sample method i.e.random sample table method and lottery method | Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | July-Dec 2020 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
15 | A Comparative Study of Socio-Economic Conditions of Women Workers in Unorganised Sector: A Case Study of Surat | Dr. Zankhana L.Parmar | Economics | IJFANS international journal of Food and nutritional sciences | 2020 | 2020-21 | 2319 1775 |
16 | Women Domestic Workers in an urban setting : A case study of Surat city | Dr. Zankhana L.Parmar | Economics | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | July-Dec 2020 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
17 | IMPACT OF COVID -19 ON INDIAN ECONOMY | Dr. Zankhana L.Parmar | Economics | IJFANS international journal of Food and nutritional sciences | 2021 | 2020-21 | 2319-1775 |
18 | A Study on Consumer Awareness towards Digital Payment System in Surat City | Mr. Manish H. Tailor | Commerce | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | July-Dec 2020 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
19 | A Comparative Study of Non-Performing Assets With Reference to Multi- State Banks | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June 2021 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
20 | A Study of Saving And Investment habit of tribal Women of Valsad District of Gujarat | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June 2021 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
21 | Digital Poesy on Corona: Peek Into Plight, Pain And Purgation | Dr. Ritu R. Agarwal | English | “Journal of Teaching And Research in English Literature” (An International Peer-Reviewed, Open-Access, Online Journal) | Jan-March 2021 | 2020-21 | 0975-8828 |
22 | Prediction of Sales: A study of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltdand & National Fertilizers Ltd. |
Dr. Mehul B. Shah | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | Jan-June 2021 | 2020-21 | 2455-4642 |
23 | A Study Of Sustainable Financial Performance Of Selected Municipal Corporation In Gujarat: A Comparative Study | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | July-Dec 2021 | 2021-22 | 2455-4642 |
24 | Impact of Management of Inventory on Profitability and Liquidity: An Empirical Evidence from Some Selected Pharmaceutical Company in India | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | INTERNATIONAI JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS (IJCRT) |
Aug- 2021 | 2021-22 | 2320-2822 |
25 | A Study Of Evaluation of Profitability & Dividend Policy of The Steel Manufacturing Company | Ms. Shweta P. Patel | Accountancy | “Surabhi”-International Peer Reviewed | September 2021 | 2021-22 | 2349-4557 |
26 | A study of the evaluation of profitability and dividend policy of the pharmaceutical company |
Ms. Shweta P. Patel | Accountancy | Ayudh”-International Peer-Reviewed | September 2021 | 2021-22 | 2321-2160 |
27 | SUGARCANE AND SUGAR PLAY IMPORTANT ROLE IN INDIAN ECONOMY | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | Review of Research | September 2021 | 2021-22 | 2249-894x |
28 | SOCIAL SECURITY FOR THE UNORGANIZED SECTOR IN INDIA | Dr. Zankhana L.Parmar | Economics | IJFANS international journal of Food and nutritional sciences | 2022 | 2021-22 | 2319-1775 |
29 | GENDER EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN HOUSEHOLD WORKERS: A STUDY OF SURAT CITY | Dr. Zankhana L.Parmar | Economics | IJFANS international journal of Food and nutritional sciences | 2022 | 2021-22 | 2319-1775 |
30 | A study on investor behavior towards investment pattern portfolios of salaried people of south gujarat |
Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | Gap Gyan a Global Journal of Social Sciences. | July-Sep 2022 | 2022-23 | 2581-5830 |
31 | A Comparative Study of Strategic Financial Management of selected Municipal Corporation in Gujarat. | Dr. Rajesh D. Rana | Accountancy | SURBHI – International Peer – Reviewed Refereed Journal | August- 2022 | 2022-23 | 2349-4557 |
32 | Nonparametric Control Charts to Jointly Monitor Scale and Location Parameters | Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | Journal Of Scientific Research of The BanarasHindu University |
July-2022 | 2022-23 | 0447-9483 |
33 | Impact Of Online Service Facilities On General Retail Business In Surat City (Comparison of OnlineRetailers vs OfflineRetailers) |
Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | Journal of theAsiatic Society of Mumbai |
2022 | 2022-23 | 0972-0766 |
34 | College Student’s TendencyTowards Online Shopping in Surat City |
Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | International Journal of Research inAcademic World. Peer Reviewed Refereed, Indexed, OpenAccess, Multidisciplinary Journal |
Nov-2022 | 2022-23 | 2583-1615 |
35 | Impact of Online Service Facilities on General Retail Business in Surat CityDuring Covid 19 Pandemic |
Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | Journal of Education: Rabindra Bhar |
2022 | 2022-23 | 0972-7175 |
36 | Barometer of the Indian Society: Literacy and Gender Ratio |
Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | Journal of theAsiatic society of Mumbai |
2022 | 2022-23 | 0972-0766 |
37 | Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: A Case study from surat banking sector | Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | AYUDH:Internation al Peer-Reviewed Referred Journal |
2023 | 2022-23 |
2321-2160 |
38 | The Impact of Factors On Online Shopping Experience Special Reference to Surat City (Gujarat) |
Dr. Sejal A. Desai | Statistics | Gradiva Review Journal |
2023 | 2022-23 | 0363-8057 |
39 | A Study of Impact, Issues And Challenges of Recent Public And Private Sector Bank Merger on Stakeholders | Dr. Mayank V. Sodha | Commerce | “IDEES” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2023 | 2022-23 | 2455-4642 |
40 | Perception of The University Students on Entrepreneurship Education |
Dr. Mayank V. Sodha | Accountancy | Athens Journal of Education |
Nov- 2023 | 2023-24 | 0972-0766 |
41 | Auditing in The Digital Age: Analysing The Transformation Through Technology |
Dr. Mayank V. Sodha | Accountancy | An International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal IDEAL Peer Reviewed Refereed |
March-Aug -2024 | 2023-24 | 2319-359x |
42 | Regional concentration of economic enterprises | Dr. Zankhna L.Parmar | Econ0mics | IDEES-International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Peer Reviewed) | July-Dec 2023 | 2023-24 | 2455-4642 |